Missionaries We Pray for and Support
Phil and Peggy Janofski with Wycliffe Bible Translators
Aviation Design; Health Clinic
Serving in Waxhaw, North Carolina

Dick and Sara Hart with SIM
Theological Education by Extension; Puppet Ministry
Serving in Cochabamba, Bolivia

Lyle and Stacey Wyse with Wycliffe Bible Translators
Aviation Safety; Coaching & Mentoring
Serving in Waxhaw, North Carolina

Roger and Connie Dorris with EFCA
Missions Consultant/Mobilizer

Sherry Bohn with Entrust4
Training Women to train and minister to Women
Serving women internationally

Marlin and Ruth Brubaker with Reach Beyond
Database Systems Management for Sending Center

Tom and Dora Becker with Reach Global
Pastoral Care for Roma Leaders
Serving from Chesterton, Indiana

Jacob and Karen and family
Serving in Southeast Asia

Kim and Jan Cone with Reach Global
Support SIL-Central African Republic Scripture translation project by checking and resolving issues regarding the Sango language.

Bob and Cary
Reaching ethnic minorities in Southeast Asia through Medical Missions

Ian and Darlene and family
Serving in Southeast Asia